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Friday, November 16, 2007

Lampson's split personality

What to do, what to do. When you're a life-long liberal who lucked into winning a congressional seat in a decidely conservative district? You really want to hang on to that seat in 2008, so you have to try to fool some of the folks into thinking you're really a conservative democrat -- at least some of the time.

Of course, this really hacks off your local liberal base (all three of them) who launch their own attacks on you: Nick is a traitor to the cause. He's voting the wrong way. We thought he was one of us. He's like Tom DeLay!

But, no. Don't worry says another infamous bloggist, he's really a liberal. Really. (or is he a conservative? Even she's trying to play the game.) ....Pointing to this juicy vote opposing the funding of the war on terrorism Lampson just made:

(Dennis) Kucinich voted against the bill (HR4156) because he was opposed to funding this war “even one more day” and Boy Howdy! Nick Lampson fooled us all and voted with Kucinich this time.

Susan's right. That vote will come back to haunt him here in CD22.

Conservatives know a real conservative when they see one and Lampson AIN'T.

Poor, Nick. Doing the Texas two-step with two left feet.

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