Sugar Land Mayor David Wallace (who is supporting former Pasadena Mayor John Manlove for the CD22 race) has been in DeeCee at the U.S. Conference of Mayors annual meeting. You're NOT going to believe what this guy
said on national teevee with CNN's Lou Dobbs!
Someone needs to ask Manlove if he agrees with Wallace on this.
DOBBS: The U.S. Conference of Mayors is holding its annual meeting in Washington and the conference has decided to call for so- called comprehensive immigration reform.
Amnesty is back brought to you by the mayor's conference. It is simply another effort by special interest groups, socio ethnocentric interest groups and big business to bring amnesty to millions of illegal aliens and to keep our borders wide open. Louise Schiavone has our report.
(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) LOUISE SCHIAVONE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The U.S. Conference of Mayors is calling on Washington to open the door to roughly 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States, illegal immigrants drawing on a wide menu of public services funded by U.S. citizens.
MAYOR DAVID WALLACE, SUGARLAND, TEXAS: What we're basically focusing on is wanting to make sure that we have a path to citizenship, but at the same time these individuals are paying for those services that you just mentioned. There have been a lot of discussions about worker visa program and tied to that worker visa program is the application for U.S. citizenship.
SCHIAVONE: An explicit statement of policy from the Conference of Mayors states, quote, "Local law enforcement should not be required to stop, interrogate, detain or otherwise participate in immigration enforcement activities." But by the same token, the group calls on the federal government to authorize payments to localities for, quote, "emergency health services, prosecution and the incarceration of undocumented immigrants." Some groups opposed to such measures say that will only makes matters worse.
And there's more...SCHIAVONE: For all students under the age of 21 the Mayor's Conference also declares it should be national policy to quote, "Guarantee a public education for all children regardless of their immigration status."
no political accountability for that. No one is going to hold them personally accountable before the voters for taking that position. On the other hand, when they're back in their hometowns and they're actually passing ordinances or voting on ordinances then the constituents have a say.
(END VIDEOTAPE) SCHIAVONE: And Lou, there is a bottom line consequence to this path to citizenship as described by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, a Heritage Foundation study estimates when
all of these illegal immigrants start to collect federal retirement benefits the net cost will be more than $2.5 trillion -- Lou.
these mayors, and I mean every single one of them should be thrown out of office from -- by the electorates of their cities. This is one of the most -- anyone supporting this in my opinion is absolutely without conscience, pandering to socio-special interest groups, pandering to corporate America, and acting in absolute, absolute contravention of their responsibilities in office. This is absolutely disgusting.
SCHIAVONE: Lou, there's no evidence that a lot of their constituents are on their side, but as our analysts say, when they are under this umbrella group they don't have to have any accountability for these very controversial positions that this document states.