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Friday, November 30, 2007

As if we didn't already know... Democrats are C R A Z Y!

According to a new Gallup poll Republicans are significantly more likely than Democrats or independents to rate their mental health as excellent. The article explains: analysis of the relationship between party identification and self-reported excellent mental health within various categories of age, gender, church attendance, income, education, and other variables shows that the basic pattern persists regardless of these characteristics. In other words, party identification appears to have an independent effect on mental health even when each of these is controlled for.

No doubt about it. The key finding of the analyses is that being a Republican appears to have an independent relationship on positive mental health.

We new it all along! Protect your mental health. Vote Republican.


Unknown said...

Leave it to Republicans to use unscientific poll data as weak foundations to unscientific conclusions which validate some kind of self-denial.

Had it occurred to you that this independent relationship might be tied into the negligence and social oblivion that Republicans live by? The utter lack of concern for anyone except themselves? The complete dissolution of genuine morality (not the bogus kind preached by Christian excremists but followed only by the poor that the Republicans blatantly trod upon) that would otherwise ignite SOME iota of social conscience?

Yeah, Republicans are happier. Because each one thinks he's more perfect than the next.

cd22watcher said...

Joe, Joe, Joe. You're just proving the point.